Learning With The Handcuff Trainer Lock Pick Set
If you have read through out How To Pick Handcuffs Guide then you know that the best way to learn this skill is to start with a handcuff trainer. Now you don’t have to worry about getting cuffed anymore, right? For sure don’t get cuffed, but if you watch the Walking Dead you will know that if all hell breaks loose, you want to know how to get out of handcuffs. Using a trainer for handcuffs will allow you to see the weakness in these security devices.
These trainers do an amazing job helping beginners lock pickers learn about the handcuff mechanisms. The clear window on the double lock mechanism allows you to see how the single and double locks work, again check out our How To Guide to learn how these work in more detail. Now, off to the specifics of this handcuff trainer:
The Specifications:
- Let’s you see exactly what is going on inside the handcuffs locking mechanisms
- Heavy construction
- These handcuffs are 100% functional and work like standard police ones do
- Works well with pick sets and shims
- Original key included
Overall, this trainer feels great in your hands. It is fortuitous and substantial. In fact, if it weren’t clear then they would work great for real handcuffs. Many other trainers that you find on the market are not strong enough to make you feel as if you are picking real cuffs. Just make sure that you don’t lose the key before you learn how to pick the cuffs with ease. Maybe then, just toss the key all together so you have no choice but to pick it.
When manipulating the lock inside, these cuffs make it very easy to see every moving part. The only down side is that the individual parts are not colored differently, in which case if we start making some then we will be color coding everything. Nonetheless, they will definitely get the job done and you will be having fun in no time. Make sure you pick yourself up a couple pairs of non-trainer cuffs to play around with as well. Once you have all those down, you can try putting them behind your back and trying to pick them that way. For that one, make sure you have that freakin key near by or it might make for an awkward situation.
The Wrap Up
This trainer handcuff set will allow you to see what is going inside and make you a better lock picker in general. We recommend using this trainer set if you are a beginner. However, if you are more advanced – I would suggest that you opt to get some real police level handcuffs and pick those. Overall, this trainer set impressed us in that it is hardy and the mechanics are accurate. The only downside is that it only comes with one side of the cuff and no chain in between obviously. However, this is a great starter kit for anyone out there in the world.